Wicked People are needed too. At one time the tenants of an estate became unruly. The landlord had to send Golak Choudhury, who was a ruffian. He was such a hard administrator that the tenants …
Elder, the Pumpkin Cutter
You must have seen the sort of elderly man who lives in a family and is always ready, day and night, to entertain the children. He sits in the parlour and smokes the hubble-bubble. With nothing in …
A Worldling is a Poor Exponent of the Sastras
A MAN wanted to engage a Bhagavata pandit who could explain the Bhagavata to him. His friend said: "I know of an excellent pandit. But there is one difficulty; he does a great deal of farming. He has …
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How They Quarrel!
IT is not good to say that what we ourselves think of God is the only truth and what others think is false; that because we think of God as formless, therefore He is formless and cannot have any form; …
The Plunderers Who Go About as Religious
THERE was a goldsmith who kept a jewellery shop. He looked like a great devotee, a true Vaishnava, with beads round his neck, rosary in his hand, and the holy marks on his forehead. Naturally people …
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The Jackal That Won’t Leave the Company of a Bullock
ONCE a jackal saw a bullock and would not give up his company. The bullock roamed about and the jackal followed him. The jackal thought: "There hang the bullock’s testicles. Sometime or other they …
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