THERE was a pundit who was tremendously vain. He did not believe in the forms of God. But who can understand the inscrutable ways of the Divine? God revealed Himself to him as the Primal Power. The …
Brood Over Other’s Sins, and You Sin Yourself
A SANNYASIN dwelt by the side of a temple. There was the house of a harlot in front. Seeing the constant concourse of men in the prostitute's house, the sannyasin one day called her and censured her, …
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Strip Name and Form and Look Beyond
ONCE a sadhu placed his disciple in a magnificent garden with the intention of imparting to him the knowledge of the real Self and went away. After a few days he came back and asked the disciple, "Do …
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An Ant Went to a Sugar Hill
MEN often think they have understood Brahman fully. Once, an ant went to a sugar hill. One grain filled its stomach. Taking another grain in its mouth it started homeward. On its way it thought, …
God is Under the Control of His Devotees
SOME Sikhs said to me in front of the Kali temple, "God is compassionate". I said, "To whom is he compassionate?" '"Why revered sir, to all of us", said the Sikhs. I said: "We are His children. Does …
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How Do You Explain That?
ONE must believe in the Divine Presence in the image. Once I went to Vishnupur1. The Raja of that place has several fine temples. In one of them there is an image of the Divine Mother, called …