IN the course of his pilgrimage through the southern parts of India, Sri Chaitanya Deva came across a certain devotee who was in tears all the while a pundit was reading from the Gita. Now this …
Enmeshed in Maya, Brahman Weeps!
VISHNU incarnated Himself as a sow in order to kill the demon Hiranynksha. After killing the demon, sow remained quite happy with her young ones. Forgetting her real nature, she was suckling them very …
All Else is Unreal
THE truth is that God alone is real and all else is unreal. Men, universe, house, children — all these are like the magic of the magician. The magician strikes his wand and says: "Come delusion! Come …
Then, What’s the Way?
You may ask, "If worldly life is so difficult, then what is the way?" The way is constant practice. At Kamarpukur I have seen the women of the carpenter families flattening rice with a …
When Face to Face
WHERE the mind attains peace by practising the discipline of ’Neti, neti’, there Brahman is. The king dwells in the inmost room of the palace, which has seven gates. The visitor comes to the first …
Vishnu Everywhere
THERE was a holy man who used to live in a state of ecstasy and would not speak with anyone. He was regarded as a lunatic. One day having begged some food in the village, he took his seat by the side …