ONCE there was an annaprasana1 ceremony in a Guru's house. His disciples volunteered, according to their powers, to supply the different articles of food. He had one disciple, a very poor widow, who …
Count Not on the Unknown Future
ONCE in the month of June a kid was playing near its mother. With a merry frisk it told her that it intended to make a good feast of Ras-flowers (a species of flowers budding abundantly during the …
If All is Really Unreal!
RAMA and Lakshmana wanted to go to Ceylon. But the ocean was before them. Lakshmana was angry. Taking his bow and arrow, he said: "I shall kill Varuna. This ocean prevents our going to Ceylon." Rama …
The Jar of Desire Can Never Be Filled Up
A BARBER who was passing under a haunted tree, heard a voice say, "Will you accept seven jars full of gold?" The barber looked around, but could see no one. The offer of seven jars of gold, however, …
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This Faith of a Child
A BOY named Jatila used to walk to school through the woods, and the journey frightened him. One day he told his mother of his fear. She replied: “Why should you be afraid? Call Madhusudana.” …
The Inevitables
EVERYONE must reap the result of his past Karma. One must admit the influence of tendencies inherited from the past births and the result of the Prarabdha karma. And one must remember that pleasure …