Man of Renunciation …
An Interesting Incident!
PADMALOCHAN was a man of deep wisdom. He had great respect for me, though at that time I constantly repeated the name of the Divine Mother. He was the court pandit of the Maharaja of Burdwan. Once he …
Powerful Are the Inborn Tendencies
Let me tell you how powerful inborn tendencies are. A prince had, in a previous birth, been the son of a washer-man. While playing with his chums in his incarnation as the prince, he said to them: …
Sri Ramakrishna as Radha
Swami Saradananda wrote: "When the Master started to practise madhura bhava, he was eager to wear women's clothing and jewellery. Knowing the Master's desire, the devoted Mathur provided him with a …
Sri Ramakrishna as Krishna
Swami Ambikananda described how his father, Navagopal Ghosh, saw Krishna in the Master: Our house was at Badurbagan in Calcutta. During this period, devotees often arranged to have festivals in …
A Siddha Stops the Storm
Once, a great Siddha was sitting on the sea-shore when there came a great storm. The Siddha, being greatly distressed by it, exclaimed, "Let the storm cease!" and his words were fulfilled. Just then a …