PEOPLE with little occult power gain such things as name and fame. Many of them want to follow the profession of a guru, gain people's recognition, and make disciples and devotees. Men say of such a …
Sri Ramakrishna on Religion
The Tiger That Lurks Behind Worldly Joys
GOD is like the wish-yielding tree of the celestial world (Kalpataru), which gives whatever one asks of it. So, one should be careful to give up all worldly desires when one's mind has been purified …
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Dispassion Comes Like a Flood and Never by Drops
How does a man come to have vairagya (dispassion)? A wife once said to her husband: "Dear, I am very anxious about my brother. For the past one week he has been thinking of becoming an ascetic, and …
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To Him These Are Mere Dust and Straw
ONCE a thief broke into the temple of Vishnu and robbed the image of its jewels. Mathur Babu and I went to the temple to sec what was the matter. Addressing the image, Mathur said bitterly: "What a …
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When Renunciation Becomes the Life-breath
No Spiritual progress is possible without the renunciation of 'woman and gold'. I renounced these three; land, wife and wealth. Once I went to the Registry office to register some land, the title of …
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