Sink Now and Then
THE farther you advance, the more you will see that there are other things even beyond the sandalwood forest — mines of silver, gold and precious gems1. Therefore go forward. But how can I ask …
The Lure of Divine Lila
AFTER the destruction of Ravana at Rama’s hands, Nikasha, Ravana’s mother, began to runaway for fear of her life. Lakshmana’ said to Rama:"Revered brother, please explain this strange thing to me. …
How is Maya
A CERTAIN sadhu lived for some time in the room above the nahavat-khana (concert-room) of the temple of Dakshineswar. He did not speak with anybody and spent his whole time in the meditation of God. …
How to Escape Prarabdha?
QUESTIONER: "Sir, how can one escape Prarabdha? The effect of action performed in previous births?" Sri Ramakrishna: "No doubt a man experiences a little of the effect; but much of it is cancelled …
Both Friend and Foe the Saints Adore
THERE was a monastery in a certain place. The monks residing there went out daily to beg their food. One day a monk, while out for his alms, saw a landlord beating a man mercilessly. The compassionate …
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