- If there is just a trace of worldliness, you can’t see God. If a match-stick is wet, you may strike it a thousand times and it won’t ignite; you will only waste a pile of matches. The mind attached to the world is like a wet match stick.
- Give your mind to the Being of bliss and consciousness and you will also feel joy. The bliss of God-consciousness is always there, it is only hidden by a veil. The less you are attached to the senses, the more the mind will go towards God.
- You may lecture a thousand times, and you’ll not be able to change worldly men. Can one drive a nail into a stone wall? The nail is what will bend.
- It is seldom that worldly people show spiritual wisdom – only occasionally, like the flame of a lamp. No, no, it is like the ray of the sun when it peeps through a chink in the wall
- Worldly people have no grit. It does not matter to them whether they succeed or not. If they dig a well for water but strike a rock, they stop digging and look for another spot. If they find sand in the next spot, they give that spot up too. If they had continued to dig at the original spot, they would have found water there.
- Don’t let flatterers deceive you. Flatterers gather around a worldly man. Vultures gather where they find the carcass of a dead cow.
- Words reveal a man’s true nature. If a person worries night and day about worldly affairs and continues to deceive people, his words convey that attitude. He who eats radish, belches radish.
- Why should one not attain the direct realization of the formless Brahman? But it is exceedingly difficult. When one renounces all sense objects – of form, taste, smell, speech and touch – and the mind is merged, only then one attains the inner experience of God.
- When the sap of attachment is completely dried up, one attains the inspiration of God in no time. A wet match stick will not strike fire, even if you rub it a thousand times. But when it is dry, it at once strikes fire when rubbed just a little.
- He who has worldly wisdom is very far from the Lord. If a person has no worldliness, the Lord remains in his grip – very close to him indeed..
- A man can perform any amount of repetition of the Name and austerities, but if he remains possessed of worldly thoughts, he can never attain God. On the other hand, if a person eats pork but his mind remains attached to the Lord, he is blessed indeed. Such a person gradually attains the Lord – there is no doubt about it.