- Religion is a very delicate matter. Even the smallest trace of desire can stop you from attaining Bhagavan. A thread does not pass through the eye of a needle if its end has any fibers sticking out.
- Different religions are based on different times, places and people. But all the religions are only different paths. The paths are themselves not the Lord, though if you have sincere bhakti and tread any path, you can reach Him.
- Dharma means ritualistic religion. For example, giving away in charity, performing shraddha, feeding the indigent and so on. This kind of dharma is known as karmakanda. It is an extremely difficult path. It is very difficult to perform nishkama karma . So one is asked to pursue the path of bhakti.
- The upcountry people of India have such great devotion to God! Have you noticed? They possess the real bhava (spirit) of the Hindus. Indeed theirs is the Sanatana Dharma (eternal religion). Did you notice the immense joy with which they carried the divine image? It was joy at the thought of carrying the throne of Bhagavan on their shoulders.
- The Hindu ideal indeed is Sanatana Dharma. All the religions that you see now have come about by God’s will. And by His will they will disappear, they will not last. The Hindu ideal has ever been and will last forever.
- It’s not right to think that only my religion is right and all others are wrong. There is but one God, one without a second. Different people call Him by various names. Some call Him God, others Allah, some call Him Krishna, some Shiva, and some Brahman.
- You must go to the wish-fulfilling tree and pray to it. Then alone can you obtain the fruit – then only will the fruit fall to the ground. You can then gather it and bring it with you. The four fruits are: righteousness, economic security, fulfillment of legitimate desires and liberation.