- Sattva makes one do works of compassion. When a work is done out of compassion, though it is rajasic, it is the rajas of sattva. There is no harm in it. Shukadeva and others were compassionate in order to teach humanity – to teach about God to humanity.
- In meditation I saw the traits of the young devotees. They have no thought of owning a house; they have no desire to enjoy female companionship. Even those who are married don’t sleep with their wives. Do you know what that means? Unless one is rid of rajas and attains pure sattva, the mind does not become fixed on God. And one does not feel love for Him. Nor can one realize Him.
- Sattva guna leads one to the Lord. Rajo guna and tamo guna take one away from Him. Sattva is described as white, rajas as red, and tamas as black.
- The very nature of work involves a person in worldly activities, so it brings a darkness with it.
- When sattva is mixed with rajas, the mind is diverted. Then one is possessed by the vanity of doing good to the world – but it’s very difficult for an ordinary person to do good to the world.
- God cannot be realized without devotion, discrimination, dispassion, kindness, and the like.
- Pure sattva is found in only a very few. But when a person works selflessly, the quality of sattva mixed with rajas gradually turns into pure sattva.
- It’s only when one has developed pure sattva that he realizes God, through His grace.
- When you live in the world, to protect yourself from bad people, you must make a show of tamas. But it isn’t right to harm anyone just because you think he may harm you.
- The tamas of a worldly man also has its signs: sleep, lust, anger, pride, and so on.
- If you can give a turn to your tamoguna, you can use it to realize God. Force your demands on Him! He’s no stranger. Indeed, He is our own.
- The nature of tamas is pride. It comes from ignorance. Anger is another characteristic of tamas. In anger one loses the sense of right and wrong.