- When one develops deep dispassion by the grace of God, one can be freed from the attachment to ‘lust and greed.’
- Though you try a thousand times, nothing is achieved without God’s grace. Without His grace, you cannot see Him.
- Only after gaining God’s grace can you have His vision. He is the sun of knowledge. With just one of His rays, this whole world is illumined.
- You must pray to God, ‘Lord, be kind enough to turn the light of knowledge on Your own face so that I may see You.’ If there is no light in a house, it means poverty. You must light the lamp of knowledge in the heart.
- Of what use are scriptures or other holy books alone? Without His grace nothing can happen. Seek for God with a longing heart! By His grace you will see Him. He will talk to you.
- There is no fear if He bestows His grace once, if the Lord grants you His vision, if you realize the Atman once. Then the six passions can do no harm.
- When you receive His grace, can there be any lack of knowledge? The storehouse of this knowledge is inexhaustible. It is the same in my case when I talk. Before I finish, my Divine Mother pushes more from Her inexhaustible store of knowledge.
- If a clerk is sent to jail, he has to finish his term there. But when he is released, does he begin to dance joyfully in the street to the beat of the drum? He again finds the job of a clerk and takes up his old profession. By the grace of the Guru, having acquired jnana, one continues to live in the household as a jivanmukta.
- Not the eight bonds, but eight fetters. But let them be there! By His grace, these eight fetters fall off all at once. You know what it is like? Just as all darkness is dispelled in a moment when a light is brought into a room that has been dark for a thousand years. The darkness doesn’t go bit by bit.
- That’s His grace. Without His grace, one’s doubts do not vanish. Without the vision of the Atman, doubts are not dispelled.
- There is no fear when His grace dawns. A son holding his father’s hand can fall down. But if the father holds the son’s hand, there is no fear. All difficulties are resolved if, out of His grace, He dispels one’s doubts and grants His vision.
- Howsoever much religious discipline you may practice, you will not achieve spiritual perfection if you have desires. You can attain perfection at once by the Lord’s grace and compassion. Just as all darkness is dispelled in a moment when a light is brought into a room that has been dark for a thousand years. Say a poor man’s son has attracted the attention of a big man. The latter gives his daughter in marriage to him. Immediately he has everything: a house, furniture, a horse-drawn carriage, maids and attendants, clothes and other comforts.