यो वा एतामेवं वेदापहत्य पाप्मानमनन्ते स्वर्गे
लोके ज्येये प्रतितिष्ठति प्रतितिष्ठति ॥ ९॥
॥ इति केनोपनिषदि चतुर्थः खण्डः ॥
yo vā etāmevaṃ vedāpahatya pāpmānamanante svarge
loke jyeye pratitiṣṭhati pratitiṣṭhati .. 9..
.. iti kenopaniṣadi caturthaḥ khaṇḍaḥ ..
He who thus knows this Upanishad shakes off all sins and becomes firmly established in the infinite and the highest Heaven, yea, the highest Heaven.