“Why do you consider yourself so worthless. Please shun this negative feeling completely. Knowing your strong relationship with God, you have to move towards him. Never forget that you are his child. Human relationships are casual and momentary, but the relationship with the Lord is eternal. “The ever-free Atman takes a human birth in order to taste the bliss of liberation-in-life and not for the fulfillment of any worldly desires”. I can hardly convey to you what a wonderful joy and light dawned on me when I first read this verse of Shankara (actually Narahari). Then the purpose of life shined forth before me, and all problems were solved automatically. Truly there is no reason for the ever-free Atman to assume a human body, except that It likes to enjoy freedom while in the body.”
(p.156-7, Spiritual Treasures, Swami Turiyananda’s letter dt. 8th July 1916)