Laura Glenn, Miss—American lady from high society. Named Sister Devamata by Swami Paramananda (1909). Saw Swamiji in New York (1895) and attended his classes (1895-96), inspired by his teachings but never met him. Rendered valuable service to Swami Paramananda in setting up the Boston Vedanta Centre and helped him in his ministerial work to the last day of her life. Visited India (1909) and lived in the Madras Math for some time under the tutelage of Swami Ramakrishnananda. From Swami Premananda’s letter it is learned that she visited Belur Math twice and was blessed by having darshan of Holy Mother and serving her as well. One of the letters speaks highly of her books. It was she who collected from Miss Waldo her notes of Swamiji’s talks in Thousand Island Park (1895) and arranged to have them edited and published.
Works: Sri Ramakrishna and His Disciples, Days in an Indian Monastery, The Practice of Devotion, What is Maya?, Swami Paramananda and His work, Sleep and Samadhi, Health and Healing, Memories of India and Indians, etc. Her reminiscences published in the Prabuddha Bharata (April-May, 1932) were incorporated in Reminiscences of Swami Vivekananda.