It is very rare and unlikely that a man will not make any mistake; but by realizing one’s fault and desisting from repeating it, one manifests one’s manliness. Without brooding over past deeds, if one is cautious about the present and the future, one derives immense benefit. It is very important that one should try to keep the body and mind strong, healthy, and pure; otherwise one is not fit for any noble work. Fix your mind on God and move towards him; then you will not have to be afraid of worldly maya. God will protect you and make you his own. If there is no theft in the chamber of your heart and if your mind and speech are united, then the omniscient Lord will grant what is right for you. Know this to be the undisputed teaching of all scriptures and great souls. Stay away from evil company and be always prayerful. If you can do that, the Lord will guide you while sitting in your heart.
(p.190-1, Spiritual treasures, Swami Turiyananda’s letter to Ramesh dt. 4 December 1918)