अथ खलु य उद्गीथः स प्रणवो यः प्रणवः स उद्गीथ इति होतृषदनाद्धैवापि दुरुद्गीथमनुसमाहरतीत्यनुसमाहरतीति ॥ १.५.५ ॥
॥ इति पञ्चमः खण्डः ॥atha khalu ya udgīthaḥ sa praṇavo yaḥ praṇavaḥ sa udgītha iti hotṛṣadanāddhaivāpi durudgīthamanusamāharatītyanusamāharatīti || 1.5.5 ||
|| iti pañcamaḥ khaṇḍaḥ ||5. For certain, that which is udgītha is praṇava, and that which is praṇava is also udgītha. Should the person performing a sacrifice make mistakes in pronunciation, that can be rectified [when he has the knowledge that udgītha and praṇava are the same].
Word-for-word explanation:
Atha khalu, for certain; yaḥ udgīthaḥ saḥ praṇavaḥ, that which is udgītha is praṇava; yaḥ praṇava saḥ udgīthaḥ, that which is praṇava is also udgītha; hotṛṣadanāt api eva ha durudgītam, it is not unlikely that the person performing a sacrifice will err in pronunciation; anusamāharati iti, that can be rectified [the statement is repeated to emphasize its importance]. Iti pañcamaḥ khaṇḍaḥ, here ends the fifth section.
It has already been stressed that praṇava and udgītha should be regarded as one. Where the consciousness of this sameness prevails, any mistakes made while reciting the mantras may easily be rectified.
The statement is intended to illustrate how it helps to have the knowledge of the sameness of udgītha and praṇava.