In a lecture delivered at Alameda, California, on 18 April, 1900, Vivekananda told— What is meditation? Meditation is the power which enables us to resist all this. Nature may call us, “Look there …
What is the Meaning of ‘Yogamaya’?
GOVINDA: "What is the meaning of 'yogamaya'?" Sri Ramakrishna: "It signifies the yoga, or union, of Purusha9 and Prakriti.10 Whatever you perceive in the universe is the outcome of this union. Take …
What is the Way to Realise God?
MUSICIAN: "Sir, what is the way to realise God?"Sri Ramakrishna: "Bhakti is the one essential thing. To be sure, God exists in all beings. Who, then, is a devotee? He whose mind dwells on God. But …
Why Does It Take Many People Such a Long Time to Realise God?
HARI: “Well, why does it take many people such a long time to realise Him?” MASTER: “The truth is that a man doesn’t feel restless for God unless he is finished with his enjoyments and duties. The …
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What are the Signs of Spiritual Progress?
Spiritual progress is no other than progress in regard to one’s state of mind. As and when a person goes on becoming more and more unselfish, he or she is progressing spiritually. It is selfishness …
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