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Voice of Vivekananda
By VivekaVani
By VivekaVani
Pravrajika Bharatiprana Mataji:When Rama decided he would go to war against Ravana, he saw that Ravana was seated on Durga's lap. Ravana was invincible. After all he was Her devotee as well. So Rama …
By VivekaVani
MASTER: "Perform your duties in an unselfish spirit. The work that Vidyasagar is engaged in is very good. Always try to perform your duties without desiring any result."M: "Yes, sir. But may I know if …
By VivekaVani
What is the proof of God? Direct perception, Pratyaksha. The proof of this wall is that I perceive it. God has been perceived that way by thousands before and will be perceived by all who want to …
By VivekaVani
Righteous person is victorious everywhere. The devotees were engaged in a game of golakdham. Hazra joined them. The Master stood by, watching them play. M. and Kishori reached “heaven.” Sri …
By VivekaVani
Vivekananda taught “how to meditate” too. In a lecture delivered at San Francisco on 5 April 1900, he told— First, to sit in the posture In which you can sit still for a long time. All the nerve …