प्रदीपवदावेशः, तथा हि दर्शयति ॥ १५ ॥
pradīpavadāveśaḥ, tathā hi darśayati || 15 ||
pradīpavat—Like a flame; āveśaḥ—animating; tathā—so; hi—because; darśayati—the scripture shows.
15. (The released soul’s) animating (different bodies) is like that of a flame, because so the scripture shows.
In Sutra 11 it was stated that a liberated soul can assume many bodies at the same time for enjoyment. The opponent holds that this is useless, as enjoyment is possible only in that body in which the soul and mind exist, while other bodies are lifeless puppets, since the soul and mind, which cannot be divided, cannot exist in more than one body. The Sutra refutes this view and says that the other bodies are not lifeless puppets, for a released soul can, on account of its power, animate all these bodies, just as the flame of a lamp can enter into different wicks lighted from it. The soul through its powers creates bodies with internal organs corresponding to the original internal organ, and being limited by these, divides itself as many. Hence all the created bodies have a soul, which makes enjoyment through all of these possible. This we get from the scriptures.