अनेन सर्वगतत्वमायामशब्दादिभ्यः ॥ ३७ ॥
anena sarvagatatvamāyāmaśabdādibhyaḥ || 37 ||
anena—By this; sarvagatatvam—all-pervadingness; āyāmaśabdādibhyaḥ—as is known from scriptural statements etc. regarding (Brahman’s) extent.
37. By this (is established) the all-pervadingness (of Brahman), as is known from scriptural statements etc. regarding (Brahman’s) extent.
This Sutra explains the all-pervadingness of Brahman, which follows from the fact that It is one without a second. By saying that texts describing Brahman as a bank etc. are not to be taken literally, and by denying all other things, it is proved that Brahman is all-pervading. If they were taken literally, then Brahman would be limited and not all-pervading and consequently not eternal. That Brahman is all-pervading is known from such Sruti texts as, “He is omnipresent like ether, and eternal” (Sat. Br. 10. 6. 3. 2). See also Gita 2. 24.