सा होवाच, नमस्तेऽस्तु याज्ञवल्क्य यो म एतं व्यवोचः, अपरस्मै धारयस्वेति; पृच्छ गार्गीति ॥ ५ ॥
sā hovāca, namaste’stu yājñavalkya yo ma etaṃ vyavocaḥ, aparasmai dhārayasveti; pṛccha gārgīti || 5 ||
5. She said, ‘I bow to you, Yājñavalkya, who have fully answered this question of mine. Now be ready for the other question.’ ‘Ask, O Gārgī.’
She again said, ‘I —these and the following words indicate the difficult nature of the question—who have fully answered this question of mine. The reason why it is difficult to answer is that the Sūtra itself is inscrutable to ordinary people and difficult to explain; how much more so, then, is that which pervades iti Therefore I bow to you. Now be ready, hold yourself steady, for the other question.’ Yājñavalkya said, ‘Ask, O Gārgī.’