(Appeal-Avalanche, January 16, 1894) Swami Vive Kananda, the Hindoo monk, who is to lecture at the Auditorium [Memphis] tonight, is one of the most eloquent men who has ever appeared on the …
The Hindoo Religion
(Minneapolis Star, November 25, 1893) "Brahminism" in all its subtle attraction, because of its embodiment of ancient and truthful principles, was the subject which held an audience in closest …
An Interesting Lecture
(Wisconsin State Journal, November 21, 1893) The lecture at the Congregational Church [Madison] last night by the celebrated Hindoo monk, Vivekananda, was an extremely interesting one, and …
Hindu Civilisation
[Although the lecture at Streator on October 9 was well attended, the Streator Daily Free Press of October 9 ran the following somewhat dreary review:] The lecture of this celebrated …
(Evanston Index, October 7, 1893) At the Congregational Church, during the past week, there have been given a course of lectures which in nature much resembled the Religious Parliament which has …
Personal Traits
(Critic, October 7, 1893) . . . It was an outgrowth of the Parliament of Religions, which opened our eyes to the fact that the philosophy of the ancient creeds contains much beauty for the moderns. …