THE YOGA THROUGH DEVOTION We have been considering Raja-Yoga and the physical exercises. Now we shall consider Yoga through devotion. But you must remember that no one system …
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Voice of Vivekananda
By VivekaVani
THE YOGA THROUGH DEVOTION We have been considering Raja-Yoga and the physical exercises. Now we shall consider Yoga through devotion. But you must remember that no one system …
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By VivekaVani
(These lessons and those on Bhakti-Yoga that follow are made out of class notes preserved in England — Ed.) PRANA The theory of creation is that matter is subject to five conditions: ether, …
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By VivekaVani
The cause becomes the effect. The cause is not one thing and the effect something else that exists as a result. The effect is always the cause worked out. Always, the cause becomes the effect. The …
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By VivekaVani
Concentration is the essence of all knowledge, nothing can be done without it. Ninety per cent of thought force is wasted by the ordinary human being, and therefore he is constantly committing …
By VivekaVani
The three essentials of Hinduism are belief in God, in the Vedas as revelation, in the doctrine of Karma and transmigration. If one studies the Vedas between the lines, one sees a religion of …
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By VivekaVani
Worship Him who alone stands by us, whether we are doing good or are doing evil; who never leaves us even; as love never pulls down, as love knows no barter, no selfishness. Râma was the soul of …
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