(Composed at Ridgely Manor, New York, in 1899.) Hold yet a while, Strong Heart,Not part a lifelong yokeThough blighted looks the present, future gloom. And age it seems since you and I began …
To an Early Violet – Swami Vivekananda
(Written to a Western lady-disciple from New York, 6th January 1896.) What though thy bed be frozen earth, Thy cloak the chilling blast;What though no mate …
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The Living God – Swami Vivekananda
(Written to an American friend from Almora, 9th July 1897.) He who is in you and outside you,Who works through all hands,Who walks on all feet,Whose body are all ye,Him worship, and break all other …
Light – Swami Vivekananda
(From a letter to Miss MacLeod, 26th December 1900 (Vide Vol. VI.)) I look behind and afterAnd find that all is right,In my deepest sorrowsThere is a soul of light. …
Thou Blessed Dream – Swami Vivekananda
(Written to Miss Christine Greenstidel from Paris, 14th August 1900.) If things go ill or well —If joy rebounding spreads the face,Or sea of sorrow swells —A play — we each have part,Each one to …
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An Interesting Correspondence – Swami Vivekananda
(In order to truly appreciate this correspondence, the reader has to be informed of the occasion which gave rise to it and also to remember the relation that existed between the correspondents. At the …
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