(Delivered at Lahore on 12th November, 1897) Two worlds there are in which we live, one the external, the other internal. Human progress has been made, from days of yore, almost in parallel lines …
Bhakti – Swami Vivekananda
(Delivered at Sialkote, Punjab) In response to invitations from the Punjab and Kashmir, the Swami Vivekananda travelled through those parts. He stayed in Kashmir for over a month and his work there …
Vedic Teaching in Theory and Practice
When the Swami's visit was drawing to a close, his friends in Almora invited him to give a lecture in Hindi. He consented to make the attempt for the first time. He began slowly, and soon warmed to …
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Address of Welcome at Almora and Reply
On his arrival at Almora, Swamiji received an Address of Welcome in Hindi from the citizens of Almora, of which the following is a translation: GREAT-SOULED ONE, Since the time we heard that, …
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The Vedanta in all its phases – Swami Vivekananda
(Delivered in Calcutta) Away back, where no recorded history, nay, not even the dim light of tradition, can penetrate, has been steadily shining the light, sometimes dimmed by external …
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Address of Welcome Presented at Calcutta and Reply
On his arrival in Calcutta, the Swami Vivekananda was greeted with intense enthusiasm, and the whole of his progress through the decorated streets of the city was thronged with an immense crowd …
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