Sri Ramakrishna on Devotee
Swami Budhananda (Bhavani Maharaj)
Disciple of Swami Virajananda. Joined the Order at Madras Math (1944) and ordained into sannyasa by Swami Shankarananda (1954). Editor of Vedanta Kesari for some time. Assistant to Swami …
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 5.10.1
यदा वै पुरुषोऽस्माल्लोकात्प्रैति स वायुमागच्छति; तस्मै स तत्र विजिहीते यथा रथचक्रस्य खं, तेन स ऊर्ध्व आक्रमते; स आदित्यमागच्छति, तस्मै स तत्र विजिहीते यथालम्बरस्य खम्, तेन स ऊर्ध्व आक्रमते; स …
‘Please keep quiet now. I see the Master and the Mother.’ – Akshay Kumar Sen
Akshay Kumar Sen has been initiated by Sri Ramakrishna. He has obtained the gracious blessings from Mother and Swamiji. The Holy Mother had told Akshay, ‘There will be a little suffering towards the …
Swami Aseshananda
The swami received mantra-diksha from Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi in 1917 and joined the Order in 1921. He was given brahmacharya diksha by Swami Brahmanandaji in 1922 and snnyasa-diksha by Swami …