Always be prayerful. Work with your hands and pray to the Lord with your mind that he always remain in your heart and guide you. This will make you free from fear and anxiety. He is omniscient and …
November 18: Hold on to Your Own Ideas
We have to go beyond the body, and beyond thought too, says the Advaita. And we have also seen that, according to Advaita, this freedom is not to be attained, it is already ours. We only forget it and …
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November 17: Be Conscious
So is infinite power in the soul of man, whether he knows it or not. Its manifestation is only a question of being conscious of it. Slowly this infinite giant is, as it were, waking up, becoming …
November 16: Mahapurush
Swami Shivananda was born on 16th November 1854 “In those days when we used to visit the Master I frequently had to go to home, because I was married. It was distasteful to me. Somehow or other I …
November 15: Spiritual Practice Is Extremely Necessary
I find the attention of the people fixed on earthly things. They are all rushing about for the sake of their stomachs. No one is thinking of God…Many people entering the world, become more and more …
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November 14: Be Vigilant
Always be vigilant in spiritual life. Don’t be over-daring in any matter. Overconfidence leads to disaster. Vain is your studying the scriptures and futile your association with the holy, if you …