यथा च तक्षोभयथा ॥ ४० ॥ yathā ca takṣobhayathā || 40 || yathā—Even as; ca—and; takṣa— carpenter; ubhayathā—is both; 40. And even as a carpenter is both. In the last Sutra the topic about …
Brahma Sutra 2.3.30
यावदात्मभावित्वाच्च न दोषः, तद्दर्शनात् ॥ ३० ॥ yāvadātmabhāvitvācca na doṣaḥ, taddarśanāt || 30 || yāvat-ātmabhāvitvāt—So long as the sould (in its relative aspect) …
Brahma Sutra 2.3.29
तद्गुणसारत्वात् तु तद्व्यपदेशः, प्राज्ञवत् ॥ २९ ॥ tadguṇasāratvāt tu tadvyapadeśaḥ, prājñavat || 29 || tadguṇasāratvāt—On account of its having for its essence the qualities of that (viz. …
Brahma Sutra 2.3.28
पृथगुपदेशात् ॥ २८ ॥ pṛthagupadeśāt || 28 || pṛthak—Separate; upadeśāt—on account of the teaching. 28. On account of the separate teaching (of the Sruti) (that the soul so pervades the …
Brahma Sutra 2.3.27
तथा च दर्शयति ॥ २७ ॥ tathā ca darśayati || 27 || tathā—Thus; ca—also; darśayati—(the Sruti) shows or declares. 27. Thus also (the Sruti) declares. The Sruti also declares that …
Brahma Sutra 2.3.27
तथा च दर्शयति ॥ २७ ॥ tathā ca darśayati || 27 || tathā—Thus; ca—also; darśayati—(the Sruti) shows or declares. 27. Thus also (the Sruti) declares. The Sruti also declares that …