Sri Ramakrishna on Dispassion
Sri Ramakrishna on Attraction
Cosmology – Swami Vivekananda
There are two worlds, the microcosm, and the macrocosm, the internal and the external. We get truth from both of these by means of experience. The truth gathered from internal experience is …
Sin of Killing Cow – Swami Vivekananda
A man had laid out a beautiful garden into which a cow strayed one day and did much injury. The man in rage gave some blows to the cow which killed her. Then to avoid the terrible sin he bethought …
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Sankhya and Vedanta – Swami Vivekananda
I shall give you a résumé of the Sânkhya philosophy, through which we have been going. We, in this lecture, want to find where its defects are, and where Vedanta comes in and supplements it. You must …
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