- Holding on to truth and viewing other women as Mother, Tulsi is a liar, if you do not realize Hari by this means.
- If you stick to truth, you can attain Bhagavan.
- You must always be firm in telling the truth while leading a household life. You can, indeed, realize Bhagavan simply by being truthful.
- Speaking the truth is the austerity for the age of Kali. The other [ancient] austerities are not easy to practice in this age. By sticking to truth, one attains God. Tulsidas says – Telling the truth, taking refuge in Him, and considering other men’s wives as your mothers, If these do not take you to Lord Hari, think of Tulsi as a liar.
- Keshab Sen agreed to pay the debt of his father. Anyone else would never have accepted it, for there was no record in writing.