Towards the end of his life, Swami Arupananda related an experience to a monk in Varanasi:
I was in Jayrambati. The Mother’s new house was then under construction. Brahmachari Hemendra and I were looking after the construction work. The Mother was living in one of the cottages of Uncle Prasanna, her brother. Sometimes her brothers argued with us, complaining, “You are giving everything to our sister and depriving us.” Thus one day a quarrel ensued and I was irritated. Perturbed, I went straight to the Mother. She was standing on the veranda of Uncle Prasanna’s house, facing the courtyard and holding onto a post with her left hand. Agitated, I said to her: “Mother, there is so much quarrelling, bickering, and disturbance that I cannot work here anymore.” Saying this, I sat on the veranda of a thatched hut opposite her cottage. The Mother remained standing there and calmly said: “If you cannot work here, that is fine. Here things go on in this way.” I saw her look vacantly towards me. Immediately I saw that her standing form became illuminated and a halo appeared around her body for a while. The Mother did not say anything else. This vision calmed my agitation instantly. A complete change took place in my mind and I thought: To whom did I say that I won’t do your work? I left and began to work again with great enthusiasm and respect. I saw this clearly with my open eyes in broad daylight.”