अथ हैनं वागुवाच यदहं वसिष्ठोऽस्मि त्वं तद्वसिष्ठोऽसीत्यथ हैनं चक्षुरुवाच यदहं प्रतिष्ठास्मि त्वं तत्प्रतिष्ठासीति ॥ ५.१.१३ ॥
atha hainaṃ vāguvāca yadahaṃ vasiṣṭho’smi tvaṃ tadvasiṣṭho’sītyatha hainaṃ cakṣuruvāca yadahaṃ pratiṣṭhāsmi tvaṃ tatpratiṣṭhāsīti || 5.1.13 ||
13. The organ of speech then said to the chief prāṇa, ‘If I have the quality of high standing, it is because you have that quality.’ Next the organ of vision said to him, ‘True, I have the quality of supporting others, but I owe that quality to you’.
Word-for-word explanation:
Atha ha enam vāk uvāca, next vāk [speech] said to him [i.e., to prāṇa]; yat aham vasiṣṭhaḥ asmi, I am as much endowed with [the quality of] high standing; tat tvani vasiṣṭhaḥ asi iti, as you are endowed with [the quality of] high standing; atha ha enam cakṣuḥ uvāca, next the organ of vision said to him; yat aham pratiṣṭhā asmi, I am as much endowed with [the quality of] support; tat tvam pratiṣṭhā asi iti, as you are a support.
There is no commentary available for this verse.