The Knower Does not Grieve
अशरीरँ शरीरेष्वनवस्थेष्ववस्थितम् ।
महान्तं विभुमात्मानं मत्वा धीरो न शोचति ॥ २२॥
aśarīram̐ śarīreṣvanavastheṣvavasthitam .
mahāntaṃ vibhumātmānaṃ matvā dhīro na śocati .. 22..
The wise man, having realised Atman as dwelling within impermanent bodies but Itself bodiless, vast and all- pervading, does not grieve.
Swami Vivekananda Says —
Without body, yet living in the body, untouched, yet seemingly in contact, omnipresent — knowing the Âtman to be such, the sage gives up all misery.[Source]
…the Bodiless, yet dwelling in the body; the Spaceless, yet seeming to occupy space; Infinite, Omnipresent: knowing such to be the Soul, the sages never are miserable.[Source]