न साम्परायः प्रतिभाति बालं
प्रमाद्यन्तं वित्तमोहेन मूढम् ।
अयं लोको नास्ति पर इति मानी
पुनः पुनर्वशमापद्यते मे ॥ ६॥
na sāmparāyaḥ pratibhāti bālaṃ
pramādyantaṃ vittamohena mūḍham .
ayaṃ loko nāsti para iti mānī
punaḥ punarvaśamāpadyate me .. 6..
The Hereafter never reveals itself to a person devoid of discrimination, heedless and perplexed by the delusion of wealth. “This world alone exists,” he thinks, “and there is no other.” Again and again he comes under my sway.
Swami Vivekananda Says —
Yama said, “That which is beyond never rises before the mind of a thoughtless child deluded by the folly of riches. ‘This world exists, the other does not,’ thinking thus they come again and again under my power.[Source]
Very few men ask for the truth, fewer dare to learn the truth, and fewest of all dare to follow it in all its practical bearings. It is not their fault; it is all weakness of the brain.[Source]
Among thousands of men, one strives for perfection and even among those who strive and succeed, one knows Me in essence.
— Bhagavad Gita 7.3