You are Mother’s child just the same and are no less dear to her. You only look up to her for everything and love her with all your heart and soul. She knows better where to keep you and in what manner than you can possibly do yourself. Only stick to Mother and never forget that you belong to her. Do your duty manfully in whatever station of life you may be put and prove yourself a Mother’s child by bringing all sorts of circumstances under your feet, having full consciousness that you are above them all, and they have no power to frighten you, far less to gain ascendancy over you in any way. May Mother give you strength and vigor to accomplish this.
(p.35, Spiritual Treasures, Swami Turiyananda’s letter dt 21 December 1919)
All that I know is that a man will become free if he but takes the name of Sri Ramakrishna, the incarnation for this age. Anyone who takes shelter with him, will surely be saved by him. This is what is ordained for this age. The name of Sri Ramakrishna is the mantra for this age. Develop a love for God in your heart, be earnest, and call on Him. Then you will find that everything will be fulfilled in time. Make your mind ready.
(p.248-9, For Seekers of God, Swami Shivananda’s advice on December 21 1930)