- As a man contemplates sense-objects, attachment for them arises, from attachment, desire for them will be born, from desire arises anger, from anger comes delusion, from delusion, comes loss of memory, from loss of memory, comes destruction of discrimination, and from destruction of discrimination he perishes.(2.62 & 2.63)
- The Blessed Lord said: It is desire, it is anger, born of Rajoguna (the impulse of action), all-consuming and all-evil. Know this as the enemy here. (3.37)
- He who is able to endure the impulse of desire and anger even in this world before the fall of the body, is the harmonised, and he is the happy man. (5.23)
- He by whom the world is not afflicted and whom the world cannot afflict, he who is free from joy and anger, fear and anxiety— he is dear to Me. (12.15)
- The Lord said: Fearlessness, purity of heart, steadfastness in knowledge and yoga, alms-giving, control of the senses, sacrifice, study of the Sastras, austerity, and straightforwardness. Harmlessness, truth, absence of anger, renunciation, peacefulness, absence of crookedness, compassion to beings, absence of greed, gentleness, modesty, and absence of fickleness. Energy, forgiveness, fortitude, purity, absence of hatred, and absence of over-pride, (these qualities) belong to one born of a divine state. (16.1-16.3)
- O Arjuna! Pretension, pride, self-conceit, anger, harshness, and ignorance belong to those who are born with demonical nature. (16.4)
- And they- (men of demonical nature) held by boundless desires unending till death (or dissolution of the world), thinking of sensual enjoyments as the goal of life, decided that there is nothing more to realise, bound by the cords of innumerable desires, prompted by passion and anger, – seek for wealth by unrighteous means to satisfy their thirst for enjoyment. (16.11-16.12)